Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Hi all interested in RN and Arethusa WW2

My Father's favorite ship. He was CERA and I believe that he served under Captain Vian and CinCMED 19336 Adml.Cunningham. ( Action Palestine etc)
Mum and I were out in Alex and Malta 1937and returned home1939 on outbreak of war
Passenger ships we used were "El Nil" "Dilwarrah" "Mohammed el Kebir" I have no details but I believe that all were sunk shortly after we left. Presume by Italian Navy?
I have a large collection of Dad's photos and will try to sort out some for your site when I learn method of submitting.
Will revert.re Harold & Cath Barrett. Their Med Fleet Family Friends were Tom & Wom Stibbards, Reg & Marjorie Shaddock, Arthur & Molly Saunders, Bob & Elsie Elam. Bob& Kath Seabrook all long dd I presume but some children may still be in touch as I am with Jean Stibbs.
There are many tales to tell of Civvy wartime
I am trying to get something done to act as a National Memorial to those who were involved in the British Development and use of RADAR and to save the HMS Collingwod Museum Collection and preserve the few bits of equipment remaining to illustrate the Technology and to tell the story.
Sadly, The Official Secrets Act and much destruction has resulted in the subject being almost unknown. At school, the History, Physics and Maths of this subject, without which Britain would have lost both the Battle of Britain and The Battle of the Atlantic and hence, WW2.
It is a sad reflection on our society that our children and now grandchildren have not been taught about such matters as part of their education.
This Government has spent £4 billion on sport but £0 on the preservation of this National Heritage. Do YOU think this is a scandal?
Please spread this bloggerel and we shall get something done!.
NAtional RAdar Defence Electronics Memorial
Bequests to avoid giving your inheritance to the Chancellor can be sent to The Royal Institute of Navigation or to the DEHS Defence Electronics Historical Society marked
"For NARADEM a/c"

In Haste, More later,


Ted Mullin said...

Hi Ian
I served in 1940/41 with your father. I was a young ERA on the old 'Arry' He was Chief of the Watch in the Engineroom and looked after me well.
The Mohammed El Kebir was sunk in the North Atlantic in August 1940. I know as I was one of the survivors and would you believe it, on my way to join the Arethusa in Gibraltar.
Regards to you and your family
Ted Mullin

Mitch said...

Hi Ted,

I've had an email from someone who has some photos, one of which apparently includes your good self. Kindly send an email to samandteresa@hotmail.com for more info...
